Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Family in America!

According to the results of my survey, Family is really important to all Americans. The American Dream is to have a house, a car and of course, a family that consists of a father, a mother and two children. Most of the Americans that I asked stated that a woman should stay at home at least two years after having a baby while the father brings home the bacon. Furthermore, marrying is very important for Americans. Marriages should not be arranged but everybody should find its love and share it with god by getting married. Of course, it is very important to approve of the person that a family member marries. It’s important to have the affirmation from the other family members. What is more, I asked the Americans concerning the attitudes towards equality of running the household. The results to that questionn were controversial. Some of the interviewed people responded immediately that in modern times male and female are equal and that everybody should contribute one’s part in regard to household and taking care of the children. However, some were totally against that statement and ponted out that the woman should take over all the responsibilities in the house. It really surprised me that all the Americans that I have interviewed responded immediately with “No” when I came to terms of divorce. According to them marriage is an alliance forever and therefore the decision of getting married needs to be carefully considered. Eventually I'd like to say that Americas' attitude towards Family is pretty similar to Austrians because Family is also very important to people in my country.


  1. yes, maybe it's only a concoincidence, but most American people around me, they all have two children in their families. The figure is quite interesting.
    And, though they might live far away from most of their relatives, they enjoy their own family lives very much.

  2. The interesting part that I found is the equality of husband and wife. They share the household job together. In Traditional Chinese perspective, wife is obliged to serve her husband well if she is a housewife. This is reflected in my family where my dad is the key person of the family who earns money to support the family, and my mom is a good housewife who takes care of household duties and her children. It is almost impossible for my mom to ask my dad to share the household duties.

  3. EngHwa, who told you housewife have to rely on their husband? Nowadays, China is not a feudal country. Do you understand?

  4. I found that Americans dream to have a house, a car, and family is interesting. In Malaysia, almost all families have this three things. But, some Malaysians tend to stay in a very small house although they are very rich. This is kind of different with the United States.

  5. @ Eng Hwa and Nick, things might have changed. I guess in one place, Eng Hwa is right, but another Nick is right as well.

  6. Nick, what do you mean by feudal country?
    Meika - thanks for your thoughts!
