Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Would you have a gun in your own house?

Why should I have a gun in home? I believe people should not own guns because guns are not the proper way to protect you against robbers. Guns can hurt people; guns can even kill people, so why would somebody protect himself with a gun? To me it is kind of strange that in America almost everybody can have a gun. There are so many insane people running around in the public and you`ll never know what will come to their mind one day. Maybe, again, a guy will turn crazy and start gunfire in school or anywhere else where many people get killed.

I think there should definitely be stricter rules in America concerning guns. As far as I know it is very common to own a gun because it is very easy to buy one in a shop. However, there are strict laws in Austria concerning the sale of them and to me I think the way it is in my home country is right. There are definitely other ways to protect you and to feel safe instead of having a gun, for example, installing an alarm system.


  1. I also have heard about the ease of holding a gun in the U.S. but I'm still not sure if it's true or not. But, pieces of news from the U.S. about students killing friends in school keep being broadcasted in Thailand. In Thailand, if you want to own a gun, you need to register for it. It's even illegal if you carry it without any license indicating that you have registered for the gun.

  2. As far as I know, Germany is a country which produces guns and riples and export it to other countries. I'm wondering that is it easy for you guys to buy a gun from Germany?

  3. I live in America and have been around guns all my life. No one I know uses guns for "protection." They only use them to hunt. Everyone I know is EXTREMEMLY careful when they are handling a gun, whether it is loaded or unloaded. All of your points are well taken, but it seems that this is a cultural issue as to whether you would have a gun or not.

  4. Hi, sorry for my late reply Eng Hwa but I was reallz busy.. No, it is definitely not easy to buy a gun from Germany. To be honest I don't really know about the restrictions but as far as I know its not that easy.. maybe it is even impossible... :-)
