Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What features makes a person important!

Americans are often stereotyped as believing wealth and possessions make them important. However, I don't think that money, a big house, or a big car etc. make people important! I think the only thing that should really count is the personality of somebody. For me it is much more important that someone is friendly, nice and has its heart in the right place! Nobody should be judged by its possessions but by the way they act! Money doesn't make anybody happy...of course, money can solve a lot of problem, money might calm you down to some extent, but you can't buy real friends or love with money or any other possessions. I think money is a little bit overestimated in our culture. Having a lot of money doesn't actually mean being happy but having a lot of responsibility. Finally I would like to add that it doesn't matter how poor or rich somebody long as he or she has her heart on the right place.


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  3. Meike, I agree with you. Although someone is a millionaire and he has a bad personality, no one wants to help him when he really needs someone's help.

  4. I also agree. By the way, it is not always true for most people.
