Wednesday, September 2, 2009

After the first week, what comparisons and contrasts can you make between UWEC students and students in my university?

To be honest I haven't met so many UWEC students so far but anyway, this day I recognised that the American students tend to participate more actively in the course than Austrian students do. Today I was kind of surprised when I had my first course because when the Professor entered the classroom it was very quiet and everybody stopped talking for the whole hour and every mobile was switched off. This is kind of different to my University at home, because usually you hear a lot of students gossip while the Professor is trying to hold his lecture. What is more, you probably will hear a few mobiles ringing at my University during the lessons.

As far as I have experienced in America, students are well prepared when they attend the course. Everybody had his/her books with her and everybody was interested in what the Professor was saying. Students in Austria tend to forget their things or get the books after the first lesson.

I saw a lot of students wearing an "UWEC-pullover" which makes me think that they are very proud of their University. In Austria nobody (or less students) wear a T-shirt from their University. Furthermore, I have recognised so far, that students are very proud of their University here in Eau Claire. Everybody tells you about nice Professors, nice campus and they do not complain about busy days or much homework. To me it seems that students are thankful to study here on this campus! Austrians tend to complain about to much homework or to much reading assignments. I think many Austrians take it for granted to study while it is an honor for many Americans to study at the University because it is so expensive.


  1. Haha!
    That's true! That many of the students here wear the UWEC-pullover!!! Maybe, it can be named the UWEC culture! I am thinking to buy one:)

  2. Hi, Kristen!
    I'm also thinkin' of purchasing one of those pullovers. Have you been to the football match last Saturday? Almost everybody wore such an pullover...I love it... :-))

  3. Hi, Meike. I am so surprise that you said at Austria, students can turn on the phone and gossip during the classes. This is the first time I heard this.

  4. Ok, usually Austrian students are not allowed to turn on their mobile during the lessons, but they do not care... :-) So, you can be sure that each class at least two mobiles are ringing! :-)) Yes, and in Austria students gossip during the lessons, not that much, but anyway... it's not that silent during the classes as it is here in America.. :-))))
